A Celebration of Books,
Writers & LIterary Excellence

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Book Festival

May 18, 2024

10am – 6pm

Bohrer Park

The Life and Times of Exhibiting Author Julian Bauer…

Exhibiting author Julian Bauer will be 80 years old this July. To say he’s lived a full life would be an understatement. He has shot a blowgun in the Amazon; hiked the Alps; watched the Northern Lights and rode a dogsled near the Hudson Bay in January; paddled a gondola in Venice; had Gypsies accost him in Poland; visited ground zero in Nagasaki (and New York); ate sausage in the Bürgerbräukeller of Munich; devoured fish and chips in London; sang Molly Malone in an Irish pub; went down the deep subway of St. Petersburg; watched his cruise ship be torn away from its stanchions in Chile; cruised down the Rhine; and walked the tip of Tierra del Fuego.

But wait… there’s more!

Julian has had breakfast in the White House with the Vice-President of the United States and was an honored guest during the Veterans Day ceremony at the Memorial Amphitheater in Arlington National Cemetery. He has published four historical novels and is currently working on a fifth often using the characters and places he has visited in his life-long journey. Julian writes of the hurdles religious and diplomatic people have faced in centuries past and how those hurdles were overcome.

Father of three adopted children and grandfather of eight, there’s no question that Julian takes the adage “you only life once” to heart and has enjoyed life to the fullest.


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