Dave Roman talks with a Gaithersburg Elementary School student about comics

Graphic novelist Dave Roman (“Astronaut Academy” and “Astronaut Academy: Re-Entry”) recently paid a visit to Gaithersburg Elementary School 3rd, 4th and 5th graders during which he talked about comics and his next project and provided advice to kids who like to draw.
While there, he signed 300 copies of “Astronaut Academy” (provided by An Open Book Foundation) and talked with 4th grader Diego to help promote his upcoming appearance at the Gaithersburg Book Festival on May 16. (Spoiler alert: Dave Roman likes to eat waffles.)
“It was awesome, but I was really nervous,” said Diego about interviewing Dave. (Diego read both of Dave’s Astronaut Academy books last fall before he even found out Dave would be paying a visit.)
“We were so lucky to have an author visit from the fabulous Dave Roman today!” said Jennifer Nicholson, media specialist at Gaithersburg Elementary School. “It’s official, Dave – you’re my favorite Gaithersburg Book Festival author!”