Exhibiting Author Shameen Anthanio-Williams Talks School Visits

“Little Erroll: The Story of Admiral Erroll M. Brown, The First Black Coast Guard Admiral” is now a permanent fixture within the walls of Cloverly Elementary School in Silver Spring.
“My son loves reading Little Erroll,” shares a kindergarten parent about the children’s book. “He can’t put it down!”
Children’s book author Shameen Anthanio-Williams recently visited the elementary school to read to a group of kindergarteners and fifth graders. Although the book’s targeted audience is 5-9 years, the lessons found in the story still appeal to older kids who may have already advanced from picture books into more sophisticated literature.
Shameen led a discussion on perseverance and responsibility while encouraging students to “work first, play later” and to persevere even when it gets a little hard. After sharing their hopes and dreams for all to hear, the students left the classroom and the author with a promise: to be the very best they can be no matter what.
“And isn’t that all we ask of our children?” Shameen shared.