Exhibitor Profile: The Eastern Shore Writers Association

by Frank Hopkins
The year 2015 marks the 30th anniversary of The Eastern Shore Writers Association (ESWA), a volunteer organization supporting writers, other writers’ groups and the literary arts across the Delmarva Peninsula and the Eastern Shore. Our membership includes more than 200 individuals, from appreciators of writing, to those who aspire to write, to those who have published for much of their lives. We include poets, novelists and writers of stories, essays, articles and memoirs, and we welcome and encourage members to share experiences with other writers about every facet of converting ideas, feelings, hopes, dreams and opinions to the printed word.
Members benefit from monthly meetings, a monthly newsletter and writers’ workshops. The organization sponsors the yearly Bay to Ocean Writers Conference, which provides a unique educational opportunity to writers across the region. It also publishes yearly The Delmarva Review, a literary review for all writers. The ESWA assisted Delmarva Public Radio program “Delmarva Today: Writer’s Edition,” hosted by former ESWA President Harold O. Wilson airs the last Friday of each month on WSDL 90.7 at 9:00 a.m. The program offers a wide ranging discussion of literary topics with authors, publishers and writing instructors. For those outside the WSDL listening area, the program is podcast and past broadcasts may be accessed on the Delmarva Public Radio website. A list of past broadcasts featuring Laura Oliver, Lynn Schwartz, Ron Capps, Wilson Wyatt, Margaret Adams, Tina Dayton, Linda Blasky and William Peak, as well as links to each program are posted on this website as well.
The ESWA website provides additional information on our organization, plus notices of our meetings and instructions on how to join ESWA.