A Celebration of Books,
Writers & LIterary Excellence

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Book Festival

May 17, 2025

10am – 6pm

Bohrer Park

Fred Bowen

Latest Title: Extra Innings
Extra Innings
Extra Innings by Fred Bowen

A baseball book full of on the field action perfect for middle grade readers.

“Strike one is the best pitch in baseball.” Mike loves pitching, and he loves knowing his team counts on him to deliver wins. But Mike’s father starts to worry that Mike is getting too carried away with baseball and not spending time working at after school jobs and developing a sense of responsibility. Can Mike and his father reach a compromise in order to let Mike play the game he loves and help his team win the league championship? 

Read “The Real Story” of Harvey Haddix, who pitched a perfect game against the Atlanta Braves in 1959 and LOST. Baseball fans will love this extra dive into sports history.

About Fred Bowen

Fred Bowen is the author of 29 sports books for young readers ages 8-12. He is the creator and author of the Fred Bowen Sports Story series, 26 books that combine sports fiction, sports history and always have a chapter of sports history in the back (Peachtree Publishers).

Bowen has also written three sports history books, including “Gridiron: Stories From 100 Years of the National Football League “(Margaret K. McEldery Books 2020) and “Hardcourt: Stories From 75 Years of the National Basketball Association” (Margaret K. McEldery Books 2022).

From April 2000 to February 2023, Bowen wrote a weekly kids’ sports column for The Washington Post.
