A Celebration of Books,
Writers & LIterary Excellence

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Book Festival

May 17, 2025

10am – 6pm

Bohrer Park

Katherine E. Young

Latest Title: People and Trees

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People and Trees

Set in the mountains of Azerbaijan just after World War II, Akram Aylisli’s “People and Trees” chronicles the wrenching transformation of traditional Azeri society under Soviet rule.

Private land is collectivized; mosques are converted to silk factories or bulldozed to build “palaces of culture.” The young narrator, Sadyk, fantasizes about striding hand-in-hand with a beautiful girl into the bright, socialist future he’s seen on the movie screen. The village women, meanwhile, navigate religious, economic, and social upheaval, including famine and the loss of an entire generation of men to war. Drawing on the rich folkloric traditions of the Caucasus mountains, this timeless collection of “tales” is the work that put Azerbaijan’s greatest living author on the international literary map.

About Katherine E. Young

Katherine E. Young is the author of two poetry collections, Day of the Border Guards and Woman Drinking Absinthe, and editor of Written in Arlington. Her translations of Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Russian, and Ukrainian writers have received international recognition. From 2016-2018, she served as the inaugural Poet Laureate of Arlington, VA. Young is the translator of “People and Trees,” “Stone Dreams,” and “Farewell, Aylis” by Azerbaijani novelist, playwright, editor, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Akram Aylisli, whose books were burned in Azerbaijan in 2013. Since 2016, Aylisli has lived under de facto house arrest in Baku, Azerbaijan.
