A Celebration of Books,
Writers & LIterary Excellence

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Book Festival

May 17, 2025

10am – 6pm

Bohrer Park

Phuc Tran

Latest Title: Cranky Makes a Friend
Cranky Makes a Friend

In this second picture book from the #1 New York Times bestselling illustrator of the Food Group series, Pete Oswald, and acclaimed picture book author Phuc Tran’s bestselling Crankyseries, Cranky is feeling extra cranky when a new crane joins the crew.

There’s a new crane on the construction site! His name is Lefty and he’s the opposite of Cranky—smiley, talkative, and a jokester. Everything Lefty does makes Cranky feel extra cranky. But everyone else seems to love him. What if Cranky’s friends like Lefty more than him?

Find out how self-acceptance and a supportive crew help one cranky truck make a new friend in this humorous story about big trucksbig feelings, and even bigger friendships. With Phuc Tran’s hilarious text and Pete Oswald’s bold, expressive illustrations, this read is perfect for fans of Grumpy Monkey and construction vehicles.

About Phuc Tran

Phuc Tran is an award-winning writer, tattooer and Latin teacher (for which he has won no awards). Lots of things make Phuc cranky: being too cold, being too hot, staying up too late, getting up really early, wearing baggy socks, eating jaggedy cereal for breakfast. ”Cranky” was his first children’s book. His memoir,  “Sigh, Gone,” received the New England Book Award and the Maine Literary Award and was named a Best Book of the Year by Amazon, Audible and others. Phuc lives in Portland, Maine, with his wife (who is rarely cranky) and his two daughters (who are sometimes cranky). “Phuc” is pronounced like “Luke” but with an F.  He will be presenting “Cranky Makes a Friend.”

Instagram: @phucskywalker