Genre: Children's
Latest Title: Ernő Rubik and His Magic Cube
Jonathan Auxier
Latest Title: The Vanished Kingdom: The War of the Maps
Tracey Baptiste
Latest Title: Freedom Fire: Moko Magic: Carnival Chaos
Charles F. Bolden Jr.
Latest Title: Star Sailor: My Life as a NASA Astronaut
Vera Brosgol
Latest Title: Return to Sender
Gaia Cornwall
Latest Title: Fairy Walk
Sayantani DasGupta
Latest Title: The Ghost Forest (Secrets of the Sky, Book Three)
Angela Dominguez
Latest Title: Gabby Torres Gets a Billion Followers
Craig Kofi Farmer
Latest Title: Kwame Crashes the Underworld
Alexis Frederick-Frost
Latest Title: Team Unihorn and Woolly: Revenge of the Unicorn
Kami Garcia
Latest Title: Mixed-Up
Gia Gordon
Latest Title: My So-Called Family
John Patrick Green
Latest Title: InvestiGators: Agents of S.U.I.T.: Wild Ghost Chase
Michael Hall
Latest Title: Punch!: A Story About Kindness
Cheryl Willis Hudson
Latest Title: When I Hear Spirituals
Wade Hudson
Latest Title: The Day Madear Voted
Latest Title: Saphie the One-Eyed Cat Volume 1
Alan Katz
Latest Title: Take Me Out of the Bathtub and Other Silly Dilly Songs
Hena Khan
Latest Title: We Are Big Time
David LaRochelle
Latest Title: Mr. Fox's Game of No!
Brian Lies
Latest Title: Meet the Mini-Mammals: A Night at the Natural History Museum
Steve Light
Latest Title: A Spider Named Itsy
Grace Lin
Latest Title: The Gate, the Girl, and the Dragon
Carole Lindstrom
Latest Title: The Gift of the Great Buffalo
Katherine Marsh
Latest Title: The Gods' Revenge
Leland Melvin
Latest Title: Space Chasers by Leland Melvin
Laura Numeroff
Latest Title: Max and Mama
Linda Sue Park
Latest Title: Smiling Eyes
Dave Roman
Latest Title: Unicorn Boy
Jonathan Roth
Latest Title: Rover and Speck: It's a Gas! (Rover and Speck, 3)
Dianne K. Salerni
Latest Title: The Tontine Caper
Michael Sampson
Latest Title: Rainbow Bear
Bob Shea
Latest Title: Bearsuit Turtle Makes a Friend
Susan Stockdale
Latest Title: Don't Eat the Cleaners!: Tiny Fish with a Big Job
Amy Timberlake
Latest Title: Skunk and Badger (Skunk and Badger 1)
Meera Trehan
Latest Title: Snow