A Celebration of Books,
Writers & LIterary Excellence

Save the Date

Book Festival

May 17, 2025

10am – 6pm

Bohrer Park

Dude, be civil

By: Nathan Jaquette

Oakton High School

Grade: 10

Fairfax County, VA

I asked my friend for his cookie
He muttered to me no, why should I?
I reminded him about another time when we sat at the lunch table
When I ever so graciously gave him my chips.
He rudely insulted my chips,
Exclaiming that they tasted like dog food
I told him that he still ate my chips and that he owed me
We yelled and threw cheap insults at each other
Until I decided to say to him,
Dude, we gotta be civil.
Later that day, I flipped on the TV
I then accidentally switched on the news
I was intrigued and wanted to be informed
So, I decided to watch for a few minutes
Immediately, my ears were being berated by obscenities.
I could not believe my eyes
Two “grown” men yelling and throwing cheap insults at one another
They were being so childish at such a high political level
Almost as if they were arguing for a cookie at a lunch table.
